Gentle Art/Sampler Thread
Showing 225–240 of 263 results
Rose Garden #7068 from The Gentle Art
GAS #7068 Rose Garden from the Gentle Art Varigated, over dyed, 100% cotton
Royal Purple #0840
GAS #0840 Royal Purple
Ruby Slipper #7100 by The Gentle Art
GAS #7100 Ruby Slipper by The Gentle Art Varigated, overdyed, 100% cotton
Sage #7101
GAS #7101 Sage
Sarsaparilla #7015 by The Gentle Art
GAS #7015 Sarsaparilla by The Gentle Art 100% cotton, varigated
School Yard #7053
GAS #7053 School Yard
Schoolhouse Red #7052 from The Gentle Art
Schoolhouse Red #7052 from The Gentle Art Varigated, over dyed, 100% cotton
Shaker White #7025 by The Gentle Art
GAS #7025 Shaker White by The Gentle Art
Shaker White #7025B 10yds by The Gentle Art
Shaker White #7025B 10yds by The Gentle Art
Silver Fern #0114
GAS #0114 Silver Fern
Something Blue #0292
GAS #0292 Something Blue
Straw Bonnet #7002 by The Gentle Art
GAS #7002 Straw Bonnet by The Gentle Art Varigated, over-dyed, 100% cotton
Summer Shower #7069 from The Gentle Art
GAS #7069 Summer Shower from The Gentle Art Varigated, over dyed, 100% cotton
Sunflower #7071
GAS #7071 Sunflower
Sweet Pea #7031
GAS #7031 Sweet Pea
Sweet Petunia #0711
GAS # 0711 Sweet Petunia